HHPMs - Huffines Human Performance Minutes

Archive by tag: geneticsReturn
219 - Podcast Friday with Dr. David Threadgill and Genetics

219 - Podcast Friday with Dr. David Threadgill and Genetics

  • 6/29/2017 8:15:00 AM
  • View Count 4138
Today we have a special guest from the world of Genetics, Dr. David Threadgill! Dr. Threadgill discusses his work with Genetics! If you are looking at what diseases are connecting to genes and methods used in his lab pay attention to this podcast! Lots of examples of environmental health and his use of genomes! 
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163 - It's Video Podcast Friday! with Huffines Scholar Mr. David Epstein and Small Data!

163 - It's Video Podcast Friday! with Huffines Scholar Mr. David Epstein and Small Data!

Today is the fourth video and audio-only rebroadcast from the 2014 Huffines Discussion.  Up today in our series is an award winning journalist, New York Times bestselling author, and reporter for ProPublica.org, Mr. David Epstein.  Mr. Epstein's talk is titled "Small Data in Sports: Finding What Matters and What You Can Change".  Much of this talk directly relates to talent identification - how do we find out who is going to be a great athlete.  Mr. Epstein always gives engaging ta...
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116 - Podcast Friday is BACK!  With Award-winning journalist David Epstein and The Sports Gene!

116 - Podcast Friday is BACK! With Award-winning journalist David Epstein and The Sports Gene!

We are starting our new season with a special interview with David Epstein, Senior Writer for Sports Illustrated.  Today is a special day because Mr. Epstein's new book - The Sports Gene - was released yesterday on August 1.  This book is an amazingly detailed, but hugely readable look at the Nature vs. Nurture question especially as related to sports proficiency.  In the book, Mr. Epstein considers the 10,000 Practice Rule (and why it is false), as well as the actual role of genetics in det...
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91 - It's Podcast Friday with Dr. Claude Bouchard of Pennington Biomedical Center

91 - It's Podcast Friday with Dr. Claude Bouchard of Pennington Biomedical Center

We are especially pleased to welcome Dr. Claude Bouchard from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center with us today in the podcast.  Dr. Bouchard is one of the most prominent Exercise Physiologists in the world with over 1000 scientific publications - and an h-factor over 90 (which is a measure of scientific impact - 90 is an amazing score!).  Dr. Bouchard has been forerunner in working to discover the genetic regulation of both obesity and exercise capacity.
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38 - Dr. Steve Roth - Can you use genetics to select for Sport?

38 - Dr. Steve Roth - Can you use genetics to select for Sport?

If you knew exactly what sport you were best suited for, would you be interested.  Several companies claim that they can tell you what sport you would be best at.  Join us today as we talk to Dr. Steve Roth from the University of Maryland who is an expert on using genetics to select for sport.   We have a great conversation that is extremely relevant to sports science and if you are a parent with a child interested in sport, you'll want to hear this podcast.
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