
Huffines Institute - Events

The Female Athlete Triad: The Importance of Energy

  • 10/25/2011 8:58:28 AM
  • View Count 2616
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The Female Athlete Triad: The Importance of Energy

We have a new article up! Be sure to check out this weeks article, "The Female Athlete Triad: The Importance of Energy," by Kaleigh Camp! The American College of Sports Medicine refers to the female athlete triad as the interrelationships among energy availability, menstrual function, and bone mineral density. The new Triad model has each component of the female athlete triad on a continuous spectrum. These spectrums range from a healthy state to clinical outcomes of disease, which including eating disorders, amenorrhea (absence of a menstrual period for 3 or more months), and osteoporosis...




