Huffines Institute - Articles

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I can’t breathe and you want me to run?!?!?! Understanding Exercise-Induced Asthma

I can’t breathe and you want me to run?!?!?! Understanding Exercise-Induced Asthma

  • 10/17/2011 4:43:00 PM
  • View Count 8235
David Ferguson, Ph.D, RCEP   One of the best parts of my job is that every day is different. I recall one day in particular when I received a phone call from a woman interested in coming into the lab to have a fitness assessment done.   The interesting part was that she said she did not want to do a VO2­ max test (treadmill test to measure aerobic fitness). I found this very odd because the majority of the population does not know what a VO2max test is, let...
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Athletes Need Not Let Age Dog Them

  • 10/17/2011 4:40:00 PM
  • View Count 3744
Travis Irby, M.A, M.EdThe concept of dog years lets us quantify how man’s best friend ages. The popular myth is that a dog ages every seven years for one human year. While that is not necessarily the most scientific explanation for the canine aging process, the idea of aging many years in one is something that many people can relate to. As people get older, they tend to feel older, and the feeling of aging seems to increase exponentially with time. These changes can even be ...
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Caffeine: Friend or Foe?

Caffeine: Friend or Foe?

  • 10/17/2011 4:30:00 PM
  • View Count 9981
Steve Bui, M.S.Oh, glorious caffeine, one of man’s best friends! For typical college students and other active individuals, it is a commonly required form of nourishment for any function before 10:00 AM. While we all know the basic immediate effects of caffeine (decreased fatigue, increased energy, and decreased appetite), it might be interesting to look at how that cup of coffee might affect other parts of your day. One area you may not have considered is how it will affect the daily work...
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Like a Fine Wine: Do athletes get better with age?

Like a Fine Wine: Do athletes get better with age?

  • 10/17/2011 4:04:00 PM
  • View Count 5622
David Ferguson, Ph.D, RCEP   We have all heard the late night talk show hosts joke about an athlete’s inability to retire. In fact, there seems to be a consensus that once an athlete reaches a certain age, he should retire from the sport. One such example comes to mind; when I was sitting in an airport restaurant which had a football game on the television, the gentleman sitting next to me made the comment, “Brett Favre has been playing as long as I have been alive, he shou...
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Eating Disorders in Athletes

Eating Disorders in Athletes

  • 10/17/2011 3:45:00 PM
  • View Count 7637
Faith A. Lightfoot, BSE What do gymnasts Kathy Johnson, Nadia Comaneci and Cathy Rigby have in common? Over the past years they have all come forward and admitted to fighting an eating disorder. Cathy Rigby, a 1972 Olympian, battled anorexia and bulimia for 12 years. She went into cardiac arrest on two occasions as a result of it. Whether the eating disorder is anorexia, reduced food intake or bulimia, excessive eating and purging, this disorder is not going away in the sports field. In 197...
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To drink (your energy), or not to drink. . . that is the question.

To drink (your energy), or not to drink. . . that is the question.

  • 10/17/2011 4:15:00 AM
  • View Count 3978
Faith A. Lightfoot, BSEWith the introduction of Redbull to the United States in 1997, many athletes started consuming these drinks for additional energy and a reduction of fatigue. However, as word spread about the effects, the general public joined this drink craze. With “31% of energy drink consumers between 12-17 years old, and 34% ranging from 18-24 years” (1), there now seems to be concern regarding the safety of these drinks by athletes and non-athletes alike. What’s...
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Make Time for Nutrients

Make Time for Nutrients

  • 1/17/2011 2:16:00 AM
  • View Count 13327
Andrew Jagim, Ph.D, CSCSIt has long been accepted that exercise, specifically resistance training, is the primary way to increase muscle mass. However, an often-overlooked component of this process is the importance of nutrition and even more importantly, the timing of nutrients. Without the proper combination of nutrients, timing and exercise, one may not reach full potential. Before a workout, it is important to eat a well-balanced meal and consume plenty of fluids in order for energy stores t...
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Please Spit in this Tube and I Will Tell you How Stressed Out You Are.

Please Spit in this Tube and I Will Tell you How Stressed Out You Are.

  • 1/17/2011 2:14:00 AM
  • View Count 5265
David Ferguson, Ph.D, RCEPIn the competitive sport world, athletes are required to train year-round in order to maintain a state of physical conditioning that will optimize performance during game day. With certain sports having longer seasons than others, this idea of year-round training can lead to the athlete becoming “overtrained”. Overtraining is described as a decrease in lean muscle mass, an increase in body fat, an increased state of fatigue, a decreased performance capa...
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