Huffines Institute - Articles

Archive by year: 2019Return
Gene Editing: The Future of Precision Medicine

Gene Editing: The Future of Precision Medicine

  • 3/25/2019 9:30:00 AM
  • View Count 2394
John Deaver, MS            Gene editing has made headlines in recent years as a promising new technology opening new avenues in research, as well as precision medicine.            The ability for researchers and physicians to perform genetic editing has been around for decades, but historically, it has been an extremely slow and expensive process. One of the reasons for this is that they all rely on using protei...
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I am young and healthy. Why do I need to know my family health history?

I am young and healthy. Why do I need to know my family health history?

  • 3/18/2019 9:30:00 AM
  • View Count 2660
Ming Li, MSAngelina Jolie, an Oscar-winning actress, announced to have a surgery to remove her ovaries and fallopian tubes to reduce her risk of developing ovarian cancer in 2015. She has already undertook a preventative double mastectomy earlier. She made this difficult decision because she has a strong family health history (FHH) of ovarian cancer. FHH, a record of the diseases and health conditions in one’s family, plays a significant role in early disease detection and prevention. By f...
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Radiation: Bad to the Bone?

Radiation: Bad to the Bone?

  • 3/4/2019 8:30:00 AM
  • View Count 2887
Sarah Little, M.S.Bone is a complex and active tissue. Most people think once you stop growing that the bone is no longer changing; but actually, bone is constantly remodeling itself – it is just in a balance between resorption and formation. In fact, bone is constantly adapting to the world around it. Many things affect bone, like exercise (or the lack thereof), diet, inflammatory diseases, and radiation. While most people never encounter radiation, individuals with cancer or astronauts e...
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Role Identity and Role Management in College Athletics

Role Identity and Role Management in College Athletics

  • 2/18/2019 8:30:00 AM
  • View Count 3413
 Joan Anderson, PhDAmple evidence has demonstrated that holding multiple roles, such as being a scholar or member of the drama club, is beneficial to an individual’s mental and physical health (e.g., Hong and Seltzer, 1995; Waldron & Jacobs, 1989). “Generally, the more role identities individuals hold, the more purpose, meaning, behavioral guidance, and approving social feedback they have available, and thus, the better should be their mental health or general well-being&rdq...
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Quantification of Proteolytic Pathways in MCF7 Breast Cancer Cells

Quantification of Proteolytic Pathways in MCF7 Breast Cancer Cells

  • 2/11/2019 8:30:00 AM
  • View Count 1765
Jessica Cardin, PhDProtein degradation is a main component of the body to enable proper function and tissue maintenance. Certain types of cancer have demonstrated to have an enhanced ability to degrade malformed proteins through intracellular systems. The ability to break these proteins down has the potential to protect cancerous cells and allow them to proliferate. Specific degradation pathways have exhibited the capacity to alter the cell cycle, leading to tumors to increase in aggressiveness ...
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