Huffines Institute - Articles

Archive by tag: athletesReturn
Role Identity and Role Management in College Athletics

Role Identity and Role Management in College Athletics

  • 2/18/2019 8:30:00 AM
  • View Count 3413
 Joan Anderson, PhDAmple evidence has demonstrated that holding multiple roles, such as being a scholar or member of the drama club, is beneficial to an individual’s mental and physical health (e.g., Hong and Seltzer, 1995; Waldron & Jacobs, 1989). “Generally, the more role identities individuals hold, the more purpose, meaning, behavioral guidance, and approving social feedback they have available, and thus, the better should be their mental health or general well-being&rdq...
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Team Cohesion within College Athletics: Bonding or Isolation?

Team Cohesion within College Athletics: Bonding or Isolation?

  • 12/14/2016 4:31:00 AM
  • View Count 7478
Arden Anderson, M.S.The over 460,000 student-athletes competing in college athletics across the United States do so in a team environment, which undoubtedly impacts their experience in and out of sport. In the name of "team bonding", college coaches work very hard to build more cohesion within their teams with the hopes of improving athletic performance, since it is generally accepted that higher levels of team cohesion generate improved athletic performance, athlete satisfaction, and ...
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Exploring the Conflicting Gender Roles in Marketing Professional Female Athletes

Exploring the Conflicting Gender Roles in Marketing Professional Female Athletes

  • 6/25/2014 6:26:00 AM
  • View Count 7083
Jami Lobpries, Ph.DTwo months removed from the 2012 Olympic Games, the majority of the fame, spotlight, and national attention for the female Olympic athletes subsided. In fact, the majority of these women often do not have viable professional leagues to return to post-Olympics. Gender disparities continue to exist in the sports world, particularly in media exposure and financial dollars for endorsements or sponsorships. Professional female athletes are a brand, as are their male counterparts, b...
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Using Chains May Improve Your Strength and Conditioning

Using Chains May Improve Your Strength and Conditioning

  • 6/20/2014 6:49:00 AM
  • View Count 5222
Majid Koozehchian, M.S.In recent years, strength training with unconventional objects has become popular (1). One unconventional method that has gained recognition by elite athletes is adding chains to the end of conventional barbells. There are many claims that this type of training can improve strength and power above those achieved by traditional free weights (2). In addition, chain-loaded resistance training is also believed to reduce joint stress resistance training during exercises such as...
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Iron Helps Us Play

Iron Helps Us Play

  • 9/12/2013 5:00:00 AM
  • View Count 4385
Steve Bui, M.S.Iron is one of the most essential minerals to health; unfortunately, sometimes we neglect its importance. What makes iron so important? As a major component of red blood cells, it aids in transporting oxygen throughout the body. It can also play minor roles in liver function, prevention of bacterial infections, and cell growth. Iron deficiency can occur with heavy loss of blood, lack of dietary intake, and the inability to absorb iron metabolically. Iron deficiencies appear most o...
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Nutrition for Crossfit Athletes during Crossfit Regionals

Nutrition for Crossfit Athletes during Crossfit Regionals

  • 9/9/2013 10:28:00 AM
  • View Count 5173
Michael LaMantia, M.S., CSCSThe Crossfit Regionals event consists of seven workouts through three consecutive days.  The workouts include Olympic weightlifting, gymnastic movements, powerlifting movements, and overall athletic movements found in any athlete’s training regimen.   Crossfit Regional is highly anaerobic and partially aerobic at times.  The intensities for each workout are in the 80-95% range for VO2 max (maximal oxygen uptake), especially at the elite level...
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Can HMB Build Elite Athletes?

Can HMB Build Elite Athletes?

  • 7/25/2013 7:11:00 AM
  • View Count 8912
David Castille, M.S., CSCSWhen it comes to competitive athletics, or just reaching goals in the gym, people are always looking for some form of aid or advantage. Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (the only form of HMB), or HMB, may prove to be a potent ergogenic aid for many different kinds of athletes.  HMB, discovered by Dr. Steven Nissen, has been around since the early- to mid-90s where it has been used primarily by athletes and bodybuilders. During the past two decades, research has bee...
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I <3 Your Sugar Sweet Game! -- Exercise and Diabetes

I <3 Your Sugar Sweet Game! -- Exercise and Diabetes

  • 7/23/2013 8:09:00 AM
  • View Count 3227
John Seawright, B.S.The national anthem has been sung, home plate has been cleaned, and the starting lineup announced. The athletes go through the final mental checklist before taking the field. Hat? Check. Glove? Check. Cup? Check. Insulin? Diabetes is a condition that affects close to 26 million Americans. A diabetic lacks the capability to adequately regulate glucose (sugar) in the blood. Normally, the body relies heavily on the hormone insulin to promote the uptake of glucose from the b...
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D is for Deficiency- An Overview of Vitamin D Deficiency and Athletes

D is for Deficiency- An Overview of Vitamin D Deficiency and Athletes

  • 7/23/2013 5:16:00 AM
  • View Count 4555
Caitlin Hendler, M.S.Most commonly known as the “Sunshine Vitamin,” the main source of this fat-soluble vitamin is exposure to sunlight because of few food sources. The benefits of vitamin D go much further than merely a bronze tan – studies show that it assists in growth, remodeling, regulation of calcium and phosphate concentrations for ideal bone health and physical performance. Vitamin D is a vital nutrient for optimal health in the general population but even more signific...
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The Invisible Death Ray – Athletes Under the Gun

The Invisible Death Ray – Athletes Under the Gun

  • 6/5/2013 8:23:00 AM
  • View Count 3039
John Seawright, B.S.We’ve all seen it; the vicious collision that leaves a football wide receiver writhing in apparent pain; his strenuous, assisted walk to the locker room; and his eventual return to rejoin his team on the sideline with the accompanying statement from the sideline reporter, “The x-rays are negative.” X-rays are a form of high energy, ionizing radiation with a wave frequency much smaller than visible light on the electromagnetic spectrum. A medically ...
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