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Archive by tag: enduranceReturn
How to Stay Strong in Outer Space

How to Stay Strong in Outer Space

  • 4/30/2018 8:30:00 AM
  • View Count 3203
Dylan Holly, M.Ed.Skeletal muscle is a complex and dynamic tissue that can adapt to mechanical stress or lack thereof. Muscle is not only responsible for human movement in a three dimensional world but is also a major storehouse for amino acids and metabolic machinery. When subjected to an unloaded state typically seen in a bedrest, casted, or microgravity situation the muscle atrophies, or in other words wastes away. Along with this wasting comes a decrease in muscular strength and enduran...
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Man - The Only Animal Crazy Enough for Distance Running

Man - The Only Animal Crazy Enough for Distance Running

  • 2/26/2017 9:25:00 PM
  • View Count 2828
Alexis Appelquist, Huffines Producer     Leagues of people gather at the break of dawn, creating a sea of neon colored nylon and spandex, all with the fixed determination of a distance typically anywhere from 5k to 26.2 miles. Endurance running has become the favorite pastime of suburban moms and ex-military fitness enthusiasts alike, with roots anchored even before ancient Greek tales of the marathon and extending to modern day world-class athletes. In retrospect, humans are far ...
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Could Watermelon Extract Provide that Extra “Juice” for the End of the Race?

Could Watermelon Extract Provide that Extra “Juice” for the End of the Race?

  • 9/19/2016 4:55:00 AM
  • View Count 5379
Kelsey McLaughlin, M.S.L-citrulline (CIT), a nonessential amino acid that can be found in abundance in watermelon and watermelon rind, has garnered an increasing amount of attention among sport nutrition researchers for its potential benefit to sport performance, particularly in endurance events. The effects of CIT on an exercising individual are thought to be two-fold, both increasing blood flow to working muscle through the enhancement of nitric oxide (NO) production and enhancing clearance of...
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Aquatic Treadmill and Standard Land Treadmill Running Yield Different Effects When Added to a Standardized Resistance Training Program

Aquatic Treadmill and Standard Land Treadmill Running Yield Different Effects When Added to a Standardized Resistance Training Program

  • 6/17/2014 10:52:00 AM
  • View Count 4355
Brad Lambert, Ph.D, CSCCA-SCCCFor optimal health and fitness, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends both resistance and endurance exercise regularly. Both forms of exercise provide specific benefits for one’s health. Endurance exercise such as jogging or biking has been found to increase aerobic fitness, reduce body fat, and aid in the prevention of a number of metabolic diseases. Resistance exercise is typically found to increase muscle mass, muscular strength, bone density, ...
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Water Is Key!

Water Is Key!

  • 7/30/2012 4:54:00 AM
  • View Count 4444
Andrew Jagim, Ph.D, CSCSTo unlock better performance, consider the humble beverage water. It is often one of the most overlooked and underappreciated ergogenic aids in today’s world of sports. The body is made up of ~70% water, which makes hydration a vital component for success-- not only during but before and after exercise as well. Dehydration can limit performance without the proper precautions, especially in hot and humid environments. Sweat is the primary means by which body water is...
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PPAR-delta, the New Potential Treatment for Metabolic Syndrome, May Be Produced by Your Own Body

  • 10/23/2011 1:16:00 PM
  • View Count 10957
Vincent C.W. Chen, B.S.Metabolic syndrome, a condition including insulin resistance (causing diabetes), obesity, hyperlipidemia (high blood lipids), hypertension, and heart disease, is mainly due to high fat diets and lack of physical activity. It has become a major health concern in modern society. Recently, a substance called PPAR-delta has been identified as a potential therapeutic remedy for the treatment of metabolic syndrome. PPAR-delta is the most abundant isoform among the three PPARs (p...
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How long can you go? Training the endurance athlete

How long can you go? Training the endurance athlete

  • 10/17/2011 5:13:00 PM
  • View Count 18370
David Ferguson, Ph.D, RCEPHave you ever watched a marathon and wondered how individuals can run for over 26 miles? Have you ever wanted to be the one who runs for 26 miles? Do you find yourself saying that you can't run for 26 miles because you don't know how? If you answered yes to these questions, then this article is for you. It will provide a brief training program outline that can be applied to any endurance sport for anyone who wishes to compete in an endurance sport for ...
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