Huffines Institute - Articles

Archive by tag: proceduralReturn
Can Exercise Protect Your Memory?

Can Exercise Protect Your Memory?

  • 4/16/2018 8:30:00 AM
  • View Count 2154
Jing Chen, Ph.D.Aerobic exercise can help motor skill learning by protecting previously learned procedural memory from subsequent interference tasks (for example, subsequent declarative memory). The primary motor cortex may play an important role during this process. When we examine this has happened, we will perform three experiments to see if our hypothesis is true. In the first two experiments, we let participants perform procedural memory immediately followed by declarative memory or a ...
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Motor Skills: What Kind of Practice Makes Perfect

Motor Skills: What Kind of Practice Makes Perfect

  • 2/5/2017 5:27:00 PM
  • View Count 7646
Taewon Kim, M.S.Our daily life requires complex procedural skills, which are basically presented sequential movements, such as playing a musical instrument, driving a car, typing a computer keyboard, and texting with a smart phone. Thus, learning sequence movements become very important to people to live more efficiently. For example, driving a manual vehicle, which are sort of decision making movements, requires a complicated pattern of subsequent motor skills while changing down a gear from th...
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