Huffines Institute - Articles

Archive by tag: amino acidReturn
Shaking Up the Protein Paradigm

Shaking Up the Protein Paradigm

  • 10/7/2016 6:41:00 AM
  • View Count 2505
Erin SimmonsProtein is often thought to be a workout necessity, the essential complement to every gym bag. Missing protein during the post-workout anabolic window is viewed as unfortunate, if not detrimental to one’s training goals. However, the scientific literature on this subject isn’t quite so black and white. Reviews of protein requirements have touted 1.8 g-1kg-1day-1 as the optimal protein intake for individuals undergoing training, when in fact the literature has propose...
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Could Watermelon Extract Provide that Extra “Juice” for the End of the Race?

Could Watermelon Extract Provide that Extra “Juice” for the End of the Race?

  • 9/19/2016 4:55:00 AM
  • View Count 5379
Kelsey McLaughlin, M.S.L-citrulline (CIT), a nonessential amino acid that can be found in abundance in watermelon and watermelon rind, has garnered an increasing amount of attention among sport nutrition researchers for its potential benefit to sport performance, particularly in endurance events. The effects of CIT on an exercising individual are thought to be two-fold, both increasing blood flow to working muscle through the enhancement of nitric oxide (NO) production and enhancing clearance of...
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Don't Want to Lose Muscle Mass While Dieting? Take BCAAs!

  • 6/19/2014 5:30:00 AM
  • View Count 13230
Vincent C.W. Chen, B.S.When eating less to reduce weight, it is hard not to lose some muscle mass. During dieting, the body struggles to keep sufficient energy stores, and therefore, it will break down muscle proteins to satisfy energy needs. While the basic equation for muscle mass is rate of protein synthesis subtracted rate of protein breakdown, decrease in muscle size will be observed if muscle protein breakdown is not prevented while on a calorie-deficit diet.It has been well established th...
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Homocysteine, a Quiet Killer!

Homocysteine, a Quiet Killer!

  • 3/6/2012 7:28:00 AM
  • View Count 6847
Majid Koozehchian, M.S.Homocysteine (Hcy) is a non-proteinogenic amino acid (i.e., an amino acid not used in proteins) normally present in the blood. Hcy is a by-product of normal diet but high levels in the blood can endanger cardiovascular health. It is formed from methionine, a proteinogenic amino acid, and can biosynthesize back to methionine or into cysteine, another proteinogenic amino acid, as well as several other substances. Benefits of Hcy are unknown; however, its harmful effects...
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