Huffines Institute - Articles

Archive by tag: reactive oxygen speciesReturn
Exercise Can Provide Protection In Extreme Situations

Exercise Can Provide Protection In Extreme Situations

  • 11/27/2016 8:09:00 PM
  • View Count 3117
Rihana Bokhari, B.S.You have probably heard before that exercise is good for you. You know that doctors recommend people in disease states exercise, for instance in diabetes and heart disease. But did you know that exercise can do far more than help you look good and feel great? Exercise may be able to protect you if you are exposed to radiation. Radiation is well known to have negative effects on the body and lead to illness and loss of life. In this study we seek to understand how exercise, an...
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Can We Prevent Decreased Mobility With Age?

Can We Prevent Decreased Mobility With Age?

  • 8/9/2013 9:04:00 AM
  • View Count 4275
Evelyn Yuen, M.S.In the condition known as osteoporosis, bones become weak and susceptible to fractures. This vulnerability results from low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue. Although it primarily afflicts the elderly, it can develop at any age. Osteoporosis is a growing public health threat that affects 55 percent of people 50 years of age and older; approximately one in two women and one in four men over 50 years old will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in their rema...
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The Power of Antioxidant Supplementation: Hype or Helpful?

The Power of Antioxidant Supplementation: Hype or Helpful?

  • 10/20/2011 10:00:00 AM
  • View Count 6733
Majid Koozehchian, M.S. In our bodies, oxygen constantly produces toxic substances called reactive oxygen species (ROS), also known as oxidants. Antioxidants, biomolecules that combat oxidant damage, are produced by the body and can also be taken in supplement form. Disruption of normal cellular function by ROS is termed oxidative stress, and can be considered an imbalance between ROS production and the body’s production of antioxidants, weighted on the oxidant side (Fig.1). Low level...
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